Residential Trips' blog

Mrs McClure, Headmistress

10th June 2022

What are the some of benefits of our boys going on residential trips? 

  1. Confidence and resilience building 

On a school residential trip, children learn to be away from familiar environments such as home or school, staying in a new place (or maybe even new country), meeting new people and trying new experiences. Although a certain degree of apprehension is natural at first, children soon learn to be self-dependent, and this success builds confidence and resilience. 

  1. Increased independence 

For the first time in their lives, many boys will have the chance to choose what to wear and need to remember to shower/ brush hair & teeth etc for themselves. Although there are gentle reminders from staff about these things, each boy takes ownership of his own daily routine. 

  1. Unplug from technology 

Pupils do not need phones and tablets when away on residential trips at Solefield. They can always contact parents through teachers if necessary but there is rarely a need for this. Being away from technology allows children to live in the present moment, to enjoy the great outdoors, be creative, be sociable and enjoy lots of fresh air! 

  1. The chance to try new things 

From archery to French food-tasting, by trying something new, children push their own boundaries and find new hobbies, interests and skills. 

  1. Sense of community 

These shared experiences build strong bonds between pupils and also between pupils and the staff who accompany them. Pupils often have the chance to see staff in a whole new light (and vice versa!). 

  1. Mental stimulation and physical activity 

 As well as being physical, many activities have a problem-solving or team-building element to them which enhance cognition as well as being a lot of fun! 

  1. Educational enhancement 

Several of the Solefield residential trips link directly into our curriculum and so offer the chance for depth of educational experience that otherwise would be impossible within the usual timetable. For example, the Year 7 Residential is a Geography and Science Field Trip including river studies and other exploratory work. 

  1. The chance to grow 

Parents invariably report that their sons return from these trips with more independence, self-confidence and a happy sense of achievement.