“Being a prefect at the top of the school gave our son an understanding of the responsibility he had for the welfare of the younger children.” Parent
We use older pupils as role models unashamedly. The older children in the school are acutely aware of the influence they have on younger pupils, and the responsibility that such influence brings.
They lead and help in assemblies and with house meetings and run School Council and Team G as well as other clubs. They also work with younger pupils every day as their ‘form monitors’, listening to them read or helping with their work. Year 8 pupils undergo training and at breaktimes to show that younger children can go to them for help if necessary. As well as the Head Pupil and Deputy Head roles, all Year 8 pupils hold important positions at school and play a vital role in the smooth running of different areas – Charities, Whole School Events, Innovation, Wellbeing, Sport, School Council, Team G, Music, Playground, ICT to name but a few. Pupils are actively involved in the day-to-day running of the school and are able to initiate changes and make budget requests.
Nathan - House Captain - Stanhope
"I am the Head of Stanhope. I came to Solefield in Year 7 and knew Aaron (Y8) from Athletics, which definitely helped me to make the move from my previous school. As part of my prefect role, I attend the Stanhope House Meetings and help tell the children the plan for the Egg & Spoon Race or Pancake Flipping, for example. I have also been a prefect in different classes throughout the school. I am currently with the Little Acorns and help the children and teachers get set up for the day. The Little Acorns are really funny. They are always really excited and they have a cheeky side. It reminds me of being little. In previous terms I was a prefect in 4R and 2G. I believe it is important to set an example for younger children."
Nathan, Year 8 Head of Stanhope and Form Prefect