Building a Spitfire Workshop

Mr Budden, Assistant Head

14th September 2022

The academic year got off to a flying start as the school welcomed artist Darcy Turner to run two days of construction workshops. With the aim of building a Spitfire in honour of longstanding Head, Mr Ridler who was a Spitfire pilot, all of the boys attended sessions to contribute their efforts to the whole-school project.

Using just newspaper, cable ties and wallpaper paste, pupils created ‘sticks’ out of rolled paper then joined them together with the cable ties. It was so pleasing to see the endeavour, collaboration, initiative and pure hard work each and every year group put into their sessions. The boys worked so well that we even ended up producing two planes, rather than the one that we had anticipated!

A special mention must go to the Year 7 and Year 8 boys who showed true leadership when working with the younger year groups. Not only are the finished products fantastic to look at, the boys left their sessions with huge smiles on their faces.

It was a fun and interesting start to our 75th Anniversary celebrations. Keep your eyes peeled for the plane flying somewhere inside Solefield School in the future…