River Field Trip 2023

Mrs Payne, Head of Geography

4th May 2023

On Tuesday 2nd May, Year 7 a took part in a Field Skills river day with the Field Studies Council in Beckenham Place Park.  

The boys had a wonderful opportunity to develop fieldwork and enquiry skills and they enjoyed experiencing at first-hand how to carry out practical investigations along the river. They were able to take site observations, form and test hypotheses and learn about different data collection methods. They carried out investigations into the width, depth, velocity and stone size and shape using the appropriate field equipment and practised drawing field sketches at the 2 sites they studied. 

At the end of the day there was time to evaluate their findings from their data collection and to think about any limitations of the investigation for the future. 

As well as developing their geographical skills the boys all had great fun and enjoyed their time working together on the river.