Solefield Green Week 2023

Mrs Shanmuganathan, Head of RS/TPR

11th May 2023

Solefield Green Week was a great success.  As much as possible, our boys really had one of our school core values at the forefront of their minds 'Value our World'.  Even in the hills of Snowdonia, our Year 7 students engaged in climate related issues.  They visited 'The Centre for Alternative Technology' where the boys took part in a wind power turbine workshop. They made real efforts not to waste any food and used the hostel's stop tap water system to refill their bottles. Many of the boys poured their left-over water on plants outside.

Pre-prep engaged in whole range of activities from planting sunflowers to getting their hands in soil during Gardening Club. Reception attended an interactive day at Coolings where they learnt about plant growth and care from the experts!

Other activities in school ranged from climate-related PPE talks, watching excerpts from Sir David Attenborough's 'Wild Isles' and Debating Club even tackled the issue of climate change by debating whether private jets should be abolished or not.

Our Solefield students never fail to inspire us all. To see a whole school effort engaging in this very important week is a credit to them and their care and thought for our world.