Hands on Science at Solefield

Mr Farmery, Head of Science

10th January 2024

Here, at Solefield School, the science curriculum embraces Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Studies, Information Technology, Electronics and Technology. 

Science is a practical subject and we aim to foster an interest by making lessons as hands on, as fun and as exciting as possible. 

In Little Acorns and Reception, science is incorporated into a broader study called 'Understanding the World', which involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology, and the environment.

In years 1 and year 2, science is taught as a separate subject, in the classroom by the class teacher but elements of it are often integrated into a much broader theme covering many subject areas. All of Pre-Prep (Little Acorns-year 2) have a science session each week.

From year 3 through to year 8, science is taught by a Science specialist; with year 4 and above having their lessons in the laboratory. 

Year 4 begin in the Autumn term by learning how to light and use a Bunsen burner with due regard to safety. Practical lessons continue through to year 8 including topics such as electric circuits, dissolving and separating, acids and alkalis, cells and microorganisms, life processes in plants, magnets and electromagnets, chemical reactions and many more. 

Pupils leave Solefield with the confidence to carry out experiments and the requisite skills to collect results and form appropriate conclusions. Results at Common Entrance 13+ are strong and our pupils find that what they have learnt here at Solefield stands them in good stead, in their future schools.

Mr Farmery
Head of Science