Little Acorns News 17.05.24

Mrs McKeating, Little Acorns

17th May 2024

We have had a lovely week in Little Acorns, practising for Sports Day, learning the song we are going to be performing in assembly, counting in French, getting up to our elbows in shaving foam and of course ending our week at the swimming pool! We wish everyone a super weekend. 

Book of the week

This week we have been reading ‘Monsieur Roscoe goes On Holiday’, helping to support the weekly French lessons the children have with Mrs Cook. The book tells, in English, the story of Monsieur Roscoe going on his summer holidays, but certain everyday phrases are also shown in French. Alongside this there is lots of vocabulary pictured with both English and French translations. It has been so interesting, after reading the book each day, to see how much the children can recall. We are now experts at ‘Salut!’ and ‘A bientôt!’, as well as learning crucial words such as ice-cream and snowball!

At this age, children are in their sensitive period for language, meaning that they find learning a new language enviably easy!

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Anselm ‘Did you know that when I was a little baby, my Daddy used to fight crime. He’s so strong, he used to be superman!’

Focus of the week – Learning through play

‘Play is the work of childhood’ - Jean Piaget

In Little Acorns we have certain structured periods of learning during the day, for example phonics sessions, computing and music. However, we also spend a lot of time ‘learning through play’. This can look simply look like children having fun, however these unstructured periods are crucial to a child's development, and the key to their value is the environment which is prepared for them.

This can be take the form of play doh, the role play area, messy play set ups, sand, or construction toys. Play improves the social, cognitive, language and emotional well being of children and it is through these experiences that they develop their understanding of the world.

This week we have been getting stuck into lots of sensory play, using coloured rice, shaving foam, play doh and the ever popular sand tray. The children have come up with so many creative and exciting scenarios, from building space rockets to volcanos, serving each other ice cream, creating lookout posts and bringing Mr Coston and I endless shaving foam ‘cakes’! It is a pleasure to watch the children at ‘work’.

Something to look forward to...

Next week we will be celebrating World Diversity Week. Children can come to school on Friday wearing national dress from a country of their choosing, or home clothes.


*Solefield Independent Project – This terms theme is ‘the Moon’. The project is entirely optional but if your Little Acorn would like to paint, draw, make a model, read a book, do a puzzle etc related to the Moon, please send any work or photographs of activities, in to school by the end of term.

*It is the Whole School Photograph on Tuesday 21st May. Please can children come to school wearing their Little Acorns sweatshirts, and if they are wearing shorts, white socks.

*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If you feel your child gets hungry in the afternoons, please feel free to send them in with an additional snack.