Little Acorns News 27.09.24

Emma Finlay

27th September 2024

The children have had a super week and have really started to find their stride with the daily routine of the new school year. We have begun to focus on forming the correct pencil grip and early writing skills in our literacy sessions. If you are able to support your child with this at home it will really help them, please do ask if you have any questions! Alongside that we have been counting in French, coding in ICT, making pizzas and splashing in the puddles in Outdoor Learning!

Autumn leaves

Please take a moment to admire the children’s artwork on display as you come into the classroom. They had lots of fun using their hands and fingers to print the pictures.

Focus of the week

We have been talking a lot about emotions this week. Emotional awareness is such an important part of a child’s wellbeing toolkit and it is something that we start to foster right from the start at Solefield. During circle time, the children looked at emotion cards and talked about how different situations might make them feel, from having chocolate cake for pudding, to seeing that it is a rainy day. We have also been exploring the Zones of Regulation which associates colours with different moods and feelings. Ultimately, we try to reassure the children that all emotions are valid and accepted, and that feelings come and go ‘like clouds in the sky’.

Book of the week 

This week we have been reading ‘Sometimes’ by Emma Dodd. It tells the story of a little elephant finding his way in the world with the moral being that however he behaves or feels, his mother will always love him. It has prompted some lovely discussions which have really helped support our topic work this week.

Our quote of the week 

This week comes from Lewis, who when the sun started to come out exclaimed ‘Mrs Mack! Mr Sun is coming!’.

Pizza fun!

We loved our first cooking session of the year this week, the children topped muffins to make little pizza faces which they then enjoyed for snack. Callum was very pleased with his result and announced ‘This is my happy smile, look!’.                                                     

Something to look forward to...

Next week we will be collecting Autumn treasures to enjoy and explore. If the children would like to bring anything in from home which you find when you are out and about you are more than welcome!


*We are adding lots more posts to the Little Acorns Tapestry account so please remember to keep checking back!

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!

*If you feel your child gets very hungry by the end of the day, please feel free to send them with some additional snack for the afternoons.