Donations to South Africa

Bolette Stratten, SPA

21st September 2021

Thank you from SPA Second Hand Uniform Shop

We would like to thank all the parents who have so generously donated clothes over the years to help raise money for Solefield Parent Association (SPA) which ultimately benefits our children and their wonderful school.

As you will no doubt know, new winter coats have been introduced for Year 3 and above,  which means that we have quite a few duffle coats hanging around in the shop. 

Our school very kindly donated the larger unnamed duffle coats to a very worthy cause in South Africa to help those in need. It is a project started by parent, Maria Sandler and friends, where they send items to Pretoria which are redistributed to schools, orphanages and people in the community where there is need. The pictures below show the boxes being packed in Weald along with some of the past grateful recipients in South Africa.

We hope that many children will benefit from the comfort and warmth of our Solefield duffle coats for years to come.